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Cephadm-Managed Cluster to CES

Switching from another version of Ceph to Clyso Enterprise Storage is as simple as an upgrade! The CES container is also managed by cephadm, so the procedure is the same as upgrading to a new version of Ceph.

Enter the cephadm shell

cephadm shell

The command below is only required if you are using a private registry. If you are using a public registry, you can skip this step.

ceph cephadm registry-login <registry url> <username> <password> 

Start the upgrade by pulling the CES image from the registry:

ceph orch upgrade start --image 

This will start the migration process and pull the latest CES image from the registry. To follow the progress of the migration, you can run the following command:

watch ceph -s

Upgrade to 17.2.7-1 (72s)
[========....................] (remaining: 3m)
Global Recovery Event (30s)
[=============...............] (remaining: 30s)

Below are useful commands to monitor the migration process:

ceph -W cephadm --watch-debug
watch ceph orch upgrade status

To verify the migration, you can run the following command:

ceph versions

Head over to the Ceph Copilot section to learn more about the new features and functionalities of the latest version of CES.

Migrate from CES to Ceph Upstream


Make sure to only switch back to the upstream Ceph version that is compatible with the version of the CES container you are using.

This means if CES ceph daemon version is 17.2.7-1, you are recommended to switch back to 17.2.7 or higher upstream image.

You may check the current daemons version with the command:

ceph versions

Downgrading in ceph is not supported. You can go from lower version upstream to ces container, but you cant go from higher version to lower version.

Switching back from CES to the upstream ceph is as easy as switching to the CES container.

To switch back to the upstream ceph, you can run the following command:

ceph orch upgrade start --image<version_number>

replace <version_number> with the version you want to switch to. For example

ceph orch upgrade start --image