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compact storage plattform

· 2 min read
Joachim Kraftmayer

Working with our partners, we have drawn on our many years of experience with Ceph to create a compact, variable, and highly available hardware/software platform.

This storage solution is targeted at enterprises looking for a reliable and future-proof solution to store enterprise data.

We placed special focus on the flexibility and extensibility of the platform.

deployment scenarios

For example, the storage platform is designed for the following usage scenarios:

Scenario PoC – Proof of Concept

The platform can be equipped as a basis for PoC- Proof of Concept and then expanded for production use later.

Scenario HA – High Availability Storage Solution

Failures of single components, like hard disks, controllers up to whole servers, can be compensated without downtime and with maximum data security.

Scenario GEO HA – Georedundant Storage Solution

Full data center failures can be safely compensated for during operation.

Scenario replacement of existing systems

Ceph as Software Defined Storage offers several ways to import existing data.

e.g. via NFS, ISCSI, Object Storage (S3, Swift)

Tethering options

Ceph – “The Future of Storage” offers connectivity on one platform as:

  • Distributed File System
  • Block Storage
  • Object Storage (S3 and Swift)

Consultation and operation

Clyso GmbH, as members of the Ceph Founation, with its proven expertise in Ceph, will be happy to take over the tasks from planning to operation of the platform.